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About Us

Our vision for Girlguiding Warwickshire is for all Girls to make a positive difference, be happy, safe and fulfil their potential. We know that all Leaders in Warwickshire do their upmost to make this happen and we want to thank you for your dedication, commitment and time that you give to the girls and teams you are part off.  


When we work together so many amazing things happen to the girls and volunteers who are our members today, together we are changing girls' lives.  We are so proud to be a part of Girlguiding, and so proud to stand alongside Warwickshire's amazing volunteers who do their best for girls and women everyday.  Behind every bright future is a great plan.  Warwickshire's plan for the next five years is a commitment to bring a bright future to all girls and young women in guiding Warwickshire.  Girlguiding at its best.


Warwickshire county holds 11 Divisions.

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