Guiding for Adults, be part of it!
The Trefoil Guild is for women and men aged 18 and over!
We make new friends, travel, explore, serve our communities and help Guiding (and Scouting) thrive across the UK.
Whether you're involved in Guiding or not, Trefoil Guild is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded people to share your next adventure, whatever that may be!
Trefoil Guild is a sister organisations to Girlguiding and its members agree to support the guiding ethos, including the pledge to help other people.
Many members pass on their skills and knowledge to local guiding units, from helping Brownies work towards a badge to preparing older girls for a greenfield camping adventure.
There are 12 Guilds around Warwickshire, each with their own character and all keen to welcome new members.
We sometimes organise coach trips for the whole county, with two or three pickup points.
We support Region Trefoil Guild events, such as International Day which is usually in October.
For more information about any of the local Guilds, please Contact Us
Meet in Meriden on the first Tuesday afternoon of each month and organise monthly walks
Coventry South
Meet on the second Tuesday afternoon of the month (from 12.30pm)
George Eliot (Nuneaton, but frequently travel for meetings)
Use Facebook to arrange meetings on different evenings/days
Hillmorton (Rugby)
Meet on the second Wednesday evening of each month
Kenilworth and Warwick
Meet on the second Monday of each month
Meet on the second Wednesday evening of each month
Meet on first and third Monday afternoons
Riversley (Nuneaton)
Meet on the second and fourth Monday afternoons of each month
Solihull Ulverley
Meet on the first Monday evening of each month
Solihull Widney
Meet on the first Thursday of each month, afternoons in winter and evenings in the summer (May onwards)
Meet on the last Thursday evening of each month
Meet on the third Thursday afternoon of each month
The Trefoil Guild is part of Girlguiding but has a separate constitution and is independently administered. The National Trefoil Guild website can be found HERE