Bookings Bookings for Arden 2018 are now open! If you haven’t applied for your Booking Form yet then here are the details of how to do it!
Bookings from Warwickshire Groups, Non-Warwickshire Groups within the UK and Central Staff are being handled by Karen.
The Bookings Process:
Request a Booking Form via the Website:
or by e-mailing:
Please state whether you wish to bring a group or join the Central Teams. You can specify a team, or be allocated duties when we get to camp.
The relevant TWO TAB Booking Form will be sent to you, along with terms and conditions of booking. This includes how and when payments must be made and where to send the forms.
Central Staff MUST be aged 18 years and over. Once deposits have been paid, a receipt will be issued along with a booking reference. All of this information and more, is included in the terms and conditions.
Come and join the adventure…
We still have roles to fill, please e-mail and volunteer. We need adults ages 18+ on the Sub Camp Teams, Activities and Site Support. We also need people to take up roles such as Information Support, Lost Property and Security. Perhaps you are unable to commit to the full week? Don’t worry, just get in touch and we can tell you about other options.
Please contact Katie if you would like to join us and she will put you in touch with the relevant Team Leader.
Early Bird Payment Discounts are only applicable to Warwickshire Guides and Senior Section Members under 18 years and their Leaders and Central Staff who pay in full before 31 December 2017. Reminders will not be sent out. If payments are not received on time then non discounted prices will be charged
Don’t forget that the Pre-Camp Competition is open to all Sections. Just design a picture of a hat to celebrate the “Best of British Theme” Your hat should not be larger than A1 and should be decorated in any way you like using recycled materials where possible. Judging will take place at camp on Monday 6th August and pictures will be displayed in the marquee
A Notice for Leaders - You will need to fill in a Residential Event Notification Form (REN) for Arden. This needs to be filled in in the same way that you would do for any camp, but please mark it with ‘Arden’, your Unit, District and Division. This must be sent to your Commissioner at least 3 months (longer if possible) before Arden and forwarded to Jayne Oliver for Brownies or Lorraine Hartles for Guides and The Senior Section. You will also need to complete a Risk Assessment for your camp and travelling (Risk Assessments for activities will be done centrally) and return with your REN. If you would like to bring your girls to ‘Arden’18’ and do not have a Going Away with Guiding Camp module for either Brownies, Guides or The Senior Section, please apply anyway and we will aim to make sure that you have the help that you need. Please contact Beverley Suffell, Outdoor Activities Adviser as soon as possible if you need any advice or help