Girlguiding Warwickshire is in partnership with easyfundraising.org.uk to offer your guiding unit a simple, effective, fundraising system, which costs your unit and your supporters absolutely nothing!
Easyfundraising gives good causes throughout the UK, including charities, schools, scout groups and girlguiding units an opportunity to raise free donations whenever their supporters shop online with over 3,000 retailers, including Amazon, Ebay, Sainsbury’s, Hobbycraft, Trainline.com and many more!
Watch this short video to learn more about how easyfundraising works

There are almost 4,000 girlguiding units registered with easyfundraising nationwide and between them, they have raised over a quarter of a million pounds! This includes the 1st Cawston Brownies, who have raised over £1,600!
"Easyfundraising to our unit means inclusion for all – all volunteers and parents can contribute to the fundraising effort and with the funds raised, we can invest in trips and activities for the unit so they can be available to all of our girls!" Jen Smith, Leader of 1st Cawston Brownies
1. Start at easyfundraising
Let's say you want to buy a pair of shoes from eBay. Instead of going to ebay.com directly, you first go to easyfundraising.org.uk.
2. Make a purchase
From the easyfundraising website, click through to eBay to make your purchase. This tells eBay you came from easyfundraising. The price of the shoes is exactly the same.
3. Get a donation
After you buy your shoes, eBay will give you a cash reward that you can turn into a donation for your unit. On average, each retailer will donate 5% of the cost of your shopping - and those donations soon mount up.

We’re registered – what next?
Tell the rest of the unit about easyfundraising
Make use of the below resources to understand how to make the best use of EF for your unit and show to other unit volunteers and committee members:

Ready to start raising easy, free and unlimited funds for your unit?
Click here to register – http://ggw.easyfundraising.org.uk
Follow the simple instructions to complete registration in just a few minutes.
You will receive an email to confirm registration – then you can start raising for the unit while you shop!
Registering in September would be a seriously crafty move!
If the ease and the huge donation potential wasn’t incentive enough – register during September and your unit will be entered into a prize draw to win a £100 voucher from Hobbycraft! See full details here.
Resources for you to gather support
We have a dedicated pack of marketing tools for you and other volunteers to spread the word amongst unit member parents, work colleagues and family and get them raising for the unit while they shop!
When posting your social share messages, don’t forget to accompany it with the message ‘Our unit is part of Girls Just Wanna Have Funds #GJWHF to raise funds this term with easyfundraising - sign up to support us now! <insert your cause page link>’
So register today! http://ggw.easyfundraising.org.uk